/Organizational Behavior
Organizational Behavior 2017-10-08T00:22:52+00:00

In these times of hyper-multitasking and high level productivity, the success of an organization depends more and more on the effective use of talented people. Talent-centered organizations will constantly search for new talent, keep them by satisfying their needs, use them effectively, and create a challenging environment for them to work in.

People create organizations and people destroy them. Therefore, isn’t it logical that the most valuable commodity in business is not technology and capital but the people? Consider then talent-centered organizations that constantly search for new talent, better talent, and keep them by creating challenging environments for them to work, satisfying their needs and using their abilities effectively, and rewarding them for successful outcomes.

I proposed the Talent Management System (TMS) as an effective tool for creating a symbiotic relationship between talent and the organization to dramatically accelerate performance improvement.

For decades, organizations have used metrics like ROI (return on investments) and ROA (return on assets) to determine key values of their business activity. More organizations are now searching for better metrics, ones that delver deeper into assets that develop as a direct result of activity.

Return on Talent (ROT) expands our view of our assets, makes us aware of the underlying strengths, weaknesses, and potential.  While measurements like ROI and ROA look at the use of financial capital, ROT measures the return on human capital.

ROT can be calculated as:

ROT = knowledge generated/investment in talent

Often, the challenge for organization is to quantify the value of the knowledge generated and applied. This value can come in the form of cost savings, sales growth, new product development and so on. If intangible knowledge is generated, measurements must be devised to enable the organization to understand and determine the value of the Talent.

The TMS can quickly transform an organization from am also-ran or a laggard to a world-class leader. The 21st century organization will relentlessly search for innovation. The creative process is always chaotic, but innovative organizations always have persistent people who make things happen. 21st century organizations will support persistent people and encourage them to believe in their dream.

Organizational Behavior – Collaboration with Thought Leaders

Columbia University, USA

  • W. Warner Burke
    Professor of Psychology and Education
    Organization 21C

ESSEC (Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales), France

  • Hamid Bouchikhi
    Professor of Strategic Management
    Management 21C

Harvard Business School, USA

  • Michael Beer
    Cahners-Rabb Professor of Business Administration
    Organization 21C
  • Rosabeth Moss Kanter
    Professor of Business Administration
    Management 21C

INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France

  • Gareth Jones
    Visiting Professor of Organizational Behavior
    Organization 21C
  • John R. Kimberly
    Salmon and Rameau Fellow in Healthcare Management
    Management 21C

London Business School, UK

  • Rob Goffee
    Professor of Organizational Behavior
    Organization 21C

University of Michigan Business School, USA

  • Dave Ulrich
    Professor of Business Administration
    Management 21C

University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

  • Dexter Dunphy
    Distinguished Professor
    Organization 21C

University of Western Ontario, Canada

  • David Conklin
    Professor of International Strategy
    Management 21C
  • Lawrence Tapp
    Management 21C

Organizational Behavior


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Organization 21c