//What is your difference?

What is your difference?


Quality & Me

Subir shares his own personal efforts to work toward continuous improvement within his own community, among his friends and family.


Books by Subir

The Power of LEO
The Ice Cream Maker
The Power of Design for Six
The Power of Six Sigma
Organization 21c

In the past two decades, I have helped countless organizations improve their processes to find greater success. But over the years, something began to haunt me. I noticed that some organizations using the exact same process or methodology realized enormous savings, while others stumbled. I kept wondering, what is the difference?

I have found my own answers to that: it is not process alone, it is also the ‘mindset’ of each of the employees at all levels and functions of an organization that makes a big difference. In my forthcoming book, The Difference: When Good Enough Isn’t Enough I share the secrets of the ‘caring mindset’. But I wanted to know what others had to say.  I have reached out to people who inspire me, and asked them this simple question:

“What’s the one thing that made the biggest difference in your life and work?”

The answers I have received are astounding.

  • David Meerman Scott reflected on a key mistake that he and many others make.
  • James Altucher spoke of the types of people you need to avoid.
  • Chris Guillebeau boiled it down to one shift in his mindset that changed everything.

And there are so many others. People are reaching out to me to share their experiences as they move to make a difference: in their homes with their families, at their workplace, in their communities… and beyond.

In the coming weeks, I will be sharing what people share with me under the #MyDifference hashtag on social media.

I invite you to share what has made the difference in your life. Get everyone’s attention and use the hashtag #MyDifference.

You can also join me on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to read more personal accounts of how others found a positive difference that changed their life for the better.

What is your difference?