//Maruti-Suzuki and the Quality Way

Maruti-Suzuki and the Quality Way


Quality automatically becomes part of the organization's DNA - its very essence - when it is everyone's business.

Quality & Me

Subir shares his own personal efforts to work toward continuous improvement within his own community, among his friends and family.


Books by Subir

The Power of LEO
The Ice Cream Maker
The Power of Design for Six
The Power of Six Sigma
Organization 21c

Books read by Subir

PIC_chowdhury-C4Q-1Quality is defined by the customer. It happens when we are willing to listen to each other, enrich our experiences, and optimize our opportunities to improve. Quality comes when we have a mindset for honesty, integrity, resistance to compromise, and ethical behavior. What we want is for quality to be an automatic response to everyday encounters. When this mindset becomes part of the organization’s DNA – its very essence – then we can say that Quality is everyone’s business.

Please complete the form below. You will be emailed seminar materials that will help you along the way to achieving a Quality Mindset. Cause for Quality is a collection of essays that Subir Chowdhury has written to help guide the way.

You may also want to check out Subir Chowdhury’s latest book, The Difference: When Good Enough Isn’t Enough – the result of his ongoing work to discover the elements of excellence within ourselves. He defines the caring mindset with what he calls the STAR Attributes – four behaviors that build excellence: ‘Straightforward’, ‘Thoughtful’, ‘Accountable’, and ‘Resolve.’ Read this book and you will be inspired to dig deeper than ever before.

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    When was the last time you lied?

    None of us grows up and then suddenly starts lying. We develop a tendency toward telling fibs – and outward lies – at early age.

    Fear freezes your ability to be straightforward

    When we are scared, nervous, or afraid, we shut out the outside world.  We become less open and transparent. Instead of accepting our true selves, and admitting that we are afraid, we put up a wall designed to keep out the truth.  We make things up to compensate—about how good-looking we are, about how clever or competent we believe ourselves to be, about how much money we make. We lose sight of the importance of being straightforward and honest. Fear can undermine openness and honesty in anyone—including me!

    When has pride pushed you back?

    Pride exists at the organizational level and can just as easily become tainted.  Think about it.  How many times have you witnessed senior level executives not acknowledging a problem? The reason?  Pride.  Ego.  They don’t want to admit that there is a problem because of ego:  someone else will think they’re weak, or that they’ll lose face.  To admit your decision was wrong means you are weak, correct?  Absolutely the opposite!

    Stop playing games and start gaining trust

    A caring mindset is critical to your success, and the success of your organization. And it starts with being straightforward. Being straightforward means you can be tough and exacting, but also honest, direct, candid, transparent, and fair. Sounds like common sense, doesn’t it? Not always. Let me share a story with you.