//Stop playing games and start gaining trust

Stop playing games and start gaining trust


Being straightforward means not playing games and focusing on everyone's success. You can still be tough, but you must also be honest, direct, candid, transparent, and most of all - fair.

Quality & Me

Subir shares short stories about what people do to make a difference everywhere they go. We can make huge contributions to the way we function as a society by standing out as an example within our own community: at work, at our places of worship, among our colleagues, friends, and family. All it takes is the courage to step up and being straightforward, thoughtful, accountable, and resilient.


Books by Subir

The Power of LEO
The Ice Cream Maker
The Power of Design for Six
The Power of Six Sigma
Organization 21c

Books read by Subir

A caring mindset is critical to your success, and the success of your organization. And it starts with being straightforward.

Being straightforward means you can be tough and exacting, but also honest, direct, candid, transparent, and fair.

Sounds like common sense, doesn’t it? Not always. Let me share a story with you.

A company I was advising was losing some very talented people because of one person’s actions. The unfortunate thing was that this person – we’ll call him Nick – was also very talented. But he was he was rude, took credit for others’ work, and embarrassed team members in front of their colleagues. In other words, anything but straightforward.

I tried to coach him to do the right thing because I knew he was talented. I told him to imagine what could be accomplished if he was straightforward with his own team!

His arrogance and ego continued to get in the way—until he received some devastating news.

One day, Nick confided in me that he was terminally ill. He was crushed by the news, but it also acted as an epiphany. It was as if, suddenly, he understood how his behavior had impacted others.

Instead of becoming bitter, he wanted to make things right.

Long story short, Nick made amends, and lived longer than his prognosis. And, he did some of the best work of his career. You often read about people have an explosive burst of creativity when they know they are terminally ill – the musician David Bowie comes to mind. That’s what happened to Nick. Nick discovered the power of being straightforward.

Here’s the thing: Imagine if Nick had been straightforward right from the start. Imagine how much money his organization would have saved by not having to hire and retrain people. Imagine the decreased levels of stress for both Nick and the people who worked for him. Imagine how much more fulfilled Nick would have been.

Without a caring mindset – without being straightforward – no amount of leaning in, playing tough, or taking no prisoners will help.

Stop playing games and start gaining trust. Make a difference by being the difference.

Maruti-Suzuki and the Quality Way

Quality is defined by the customer. It happens when we are willing to listen to each other, enrich our experiences, and optimize our opportunities to improve. Quality comes when we have a mindset for honesty, integrity, resistance to compromise, and ethical behavior. What we want is for quality to be an automatic response to everyday encounters. When this mindset becomes part of the organization’s DNA – its very essence – then we can say that Quality is everyone’s business.

Fear freezes your ability to be straightforward

When we are scared, nervous, or afraid, we shut out the outside world.  We become less open and transparent. Instead of accepting our true selves, and admitting that we are afraid, we put up a wall designed to keep out the truth.  We make things up to compensate—about how good-looking we are, about how clever or competent we believe ourselves to be, about how much money we make. We lose sight of the importance of being straightforward and honest. Fear can undermine openness and honesty in anyone—including me!

What is your difference?

In the past two decades, I have helped countless organizations improve their processes to find greater success. But over the years, something began to haunt me. I noticed that some organizations using the exact same process or methodology realized enormous savings, while others stumbled. I kept wondering, what is the difference?

Making Choices

Subir reflects on his arrival into the United States with the promise of a job, only to find that the promise is broken. Practically penniless, Subir searches deep into his soul. Undefeated and undeterred, Subir pursues professors and department heads until he meets one who asks: You went to 20 departments, and now it is the 21st one; if I say no to you what you would do? Subir tells him, "I will go to the 22nd." This is Subir's story, not of conquest, but of perseverance in the face of making difficult choices.