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Subir Chowdhury – thought leader, management consultant, author – The Ice Cream Maker, The Power of LEO, The Power of Design For Six Sigma – A leading expert in quality process and management.
Home 2019-06-01T13:21:14+00:00
Subir ChowdhuryHow can you lead a quality life?
Subir Chowdhury is a quality guru for major corporations all over the world.What can you expect from a quality life?
Subir Chowdhury is a quality management leader.What's the future like?
Subir Chowdhury is a leading business management thinker.How can economies benefit from a quality lifestyle?
Subir Chowdhury has written 15 books on the topic of quality management.What happens to the individual who choses a quality lifestyle?

Thought Leader, Best-Selling Author, Inspirational Speaker

A transformative storyteller.

Subir Chowdhury is one of the world’s leading management consultants. He has helped Fortune 500 save billions of dollars with improvements to their quality and performance. He has authored more than 15 books (many international bestsellers) and given dozens of talks on management and quality control. Book him as a speaker for your next event.


We can solve all problems when we choose a quality lifestyle. More…


How has the media responded to Subir’s message? More…

A Toothpick

What does a toothpick have to do with a quality mindset? More…

Committed to Advancing Education and Improving the Quality of Life for Everyone

Indian Institute of Technology at Kharagpur

Subir Chowdhury School of Quality and Reliability

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University of California at Berkeley

Subir & Malini Chowdhury Center for Bangladesh Studies

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Harvard University

Subir Chowdhury Fellowship on Quality and Economics

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London School of Economics

Subir Chowdhury Post-Doctoral Fellowship on Quality and Economics

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Quality & You

Quality & Economics

Quality & Process

Quality & Me

  • Make Quality a Lifestyle Choice

    A few years ago, a colleague of mine was driving his car and hit a big pothole in the road. He stopped the car to make sure everything was okay. The car was fine, but at some point, he must have dropped his wallet, because when he got home he couldn’t find it. Sure, he had some money and credit cards in there, but he said that he also had some pictures of his family, and was devastated to think that he’d never get them back.

  • Subir Chowdhury Fellowship on Quality and Economics at the London School of Economics (LSE)

    The Subir Chowdhury Fellowship on Quality and Economics allows for any post-doctoral scholar in-residence to participate in the program, regardless of ethnicity or national origin and spend time at LSE engaging in research examining the impact of “people quality” and behavior on the economies of Asian nations prioritizing, but not restricted to, India and Bangladesh.

  • Activate the Revolution

    In some respects, the old way of managing the quality process is part of the problem. Perhaps it is more accurate to say that the old approach to management has become problematic. When we manage quality, we are addressing problems as we become aware of them. But by then we are already behind; we're reacting and not 'proacting' - we're most definitely failing to prevent anything.

  • SAE International

    Recognizing Quality Innovation

    In 2010, the Society of Automotive Engineers along with the Subir and Malini Chowdhury Foundation, established The Subir Chowdhury Medal of Quality Leadership. This award is designed to honor those in the mobility industry who demonstrate ability and talent to further innovation and broaden the impact of "quality" in mobility engineering, design and manufacture.