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The Ice Cream Maker: Making Quality the Key Ingredient

Thursday, April 27, 2006 | efenbeonline alert

Sarah Bosch reviews Subir Chowdhury’s The Ice Cream Maker: An Inspiring Tale about Making Quality the Key Ingredient in Everything You Do.

This little book offers up a big serving of business education. Having read numerous books on achieving quality customer service, I can tell you the Ice Cream Maker is one of the best. Through an effective storyline, the author communicates how to produce real results in the customer service and manufacturing industry.

In The Ice Cream Maker, Chowdhury uses a simple story to illustrate how businesses can instill quality into our culture and into every product we design, build, and market. The storyline revolves around Peter, a manager of a regional ice cream company. Through conversations with a successful business manager, Peter learns how to achieve success, not only in his services but in his products as well. He discovers that Quality needs to be the foremost goal of everyone involved by learning to “listen, enrich, and optimize.”

The Ice Cream Maker offers a great illustration of the amazing results that can be achieved by engaging your entire workforce in the efforts to improve quality. In 109 pages, Chowdhury provides enough advice to greatly change business practices. By offering an essential lesson in an easy-to-read and entertaining style, managers and entrepreneurs learn new techniques, which they can instantly implement - quickly and effectively.

Although some critics of this book may think that the concepts Chowdhury presents are common sense and obvious, they are also some of the most overlooked and fixable. By reminding us of them, we are given the opportunity to make simple yet effective changes.

Read it after work, on your lunch break, or with your coffee on a Sunday morning; the simple outline and effective writing clearly stresses the importance of Quality in the work that we do. This was a quick easy read that was enjoyable as much as it was informative. This book can be finished in an hour, but will keep you thinking long after.

Subir Chowdhury is the author of the international bestsellers The Power of Six Sigma and Design for Six Sigma. As chairman and CEO of ASI Consulting Group he advises professionals of all levels from all over the world, helping them make quality a part of their business culture.




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